Food vs. Drug: Nourishing Your Body

“A substance that interferes with normal system function is a drug. A substance that restores normal system function is a nutrient.” PR Raghavan (Raghu)

When we consume food, a natural communication occurs between the DNA in the food and the DNA in our cells, which helps the body restore and maintain its normal functions.

As Raghu, the creator of NANO SOMA®, explains: “DNA is the language of our cells.” This interaction allows food to work in harmony with the body, supporting its natural healing processes.

On the other hand, drugs can lack this natural cooperation. As Raghu describes it, drugs often act like a “bulldozer,” forcing the body to react rather than communicate. A clear example is antibiotics, which cannot distinguish between harmful bacteria and the beneficial bacteria essential for gut health. Research shows that just one week of antibiotics can destroy gut bacteria diversity for up to two years, affecting digestion, immune function, and even mental well-being.

Research: Janet K. Jansson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Illustrated by Teagan White; source.

Working in Harmony with Your Body

Because NANO SOMA is derived from food, it operates differently from drugs. Rather than disrupting the body, it works in cooperation with it.

As Raghu puts it, “Nature gives each living species the tools for survival.” 

By giving your body these natural tools, like those found in the MagicDichol® Family of Products, you allow your cells to respond to health challenges in a balanced and restorative way.*

The key to lasting health isn’t found in overpowering the body with drugs. It’s about supporting the body’s natural ability to take care of itself—just as nature intended.

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*This statement has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure such condition(s). If you have any illness or medical condition, consult your healthcare provider.

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*applies to 1, 3, or 12 bottles or the MagicDichol Starter Pack. Offer redeemable for single time use.